

Old Man Winter, stop rearing up your head.

We’ve seen enough, we’re finished with you, now put yourself to bed.

Stop trying to resist it, spring comes with mighty force.

Part your brittle branches, and let nature run it’s course.


We can already smell the sweetness of the blooming buds that cluster.

Make way for warmth and sunshine, and remove the winds that bluster.


Can’t you see we’re tired, constantly moving plants from out to in?

We cover our plants with blankets, and then we take them off again.


We’d like to leave them out for good, why do you tease us so?

What great enjoyment do you get from one last icy blow?


We see tree buds creeping forward, flowers opening up their eyes;

its just a matter of days or weeks when you’ll meet your great demise.

It will come with such a flourish, with a grand and poignant flare;

the grass will green, the sun will smile, it’ll be like you were never there.


So enjoy it while you can, Old Man, and rest up for next year’s run.

Its spring’s turn now and gardeners galore have waited for their fun.

Don’t be too sad, when you take a look back and see all of us scrambling outside.

It’s not your fault that your nature is cold and we must bundle up and hide.


But perhaps you’ll see the beauty of leaves bursting through dead wood’s splinter.

 And next year you’ll soften up your heart, and give us a shorter winter.

redbud-104910_640(Think Spring!)

*Disclaimer* -The Happy Gardener does actually like winter, but c’mon already, enough is enough!

-Lisa Mulroy