Growing peppers from seed is an exciting and rewarding endeavor, especially if you’re gardening in a warm climate like San Antonio, Texas. Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or a curious beginner, this guide will walk you through the essentials of nurturing these vibrant, spicy (sometimes) plants from tiny seeds to robust transplants.

Pepper seeds

Choosing Your Peppers


For those just starting out, it’s advisable to choose varieties that are known for their resilience and ease of cultivation, along with early-maturing types. This way, you can ensure that your peppers will thrive and produce fruit during optimal weather conditions.


In San Antonio’s climate, Jalapeños and Anaheim peppers are excellent choices. These varieties thrive in heat and are relatively forgiving. If you’re up for a challenge, consider trying your hand at growing Habaneros or Ghost peppers, which require a bit more attention and patience.


Indoor Seeding and Pepper Germination Essentials


If you want to grow peppers by seed, indoor seeding is recommended rather than direct seeding into gardens. This way plants will have time to mature and produce before it gets too hot here in San Antonio, Texas (peppers tend to stop producing when temps get above 90°F). Ideally, you’ll start seeds now and be ready to plant a transplant that is about 7-8 weeks old in the garden.


The journey begins with the right seed starting mix. We recommend using a high-quality mix like Pro Mix Seed Starting Mix, which provides a light, well-aerated environment for your seeds. This mix ensures that the tiny roots can easily grow and establish themselves.

Peppers grown by seed.

Light and Warmth for Pepper Seeds


Peppers love warmth and light. For successful germination, maintain a temperature of 75-85°F. Consider using a seedling heat mat to provide consistent warmth if your indoor environment is cooler. (A string of incandescent holiday lights wound in mat under seedling pots can work in a pinch too.) Once the seeds sprout, they will require plenty of light. Position them under grow lights or in a sunny windowsill that receives at least 12-16 hours of light per day.


Moisture Management for Pepper Seeds


Keeping your seeds moist is crucial, but be cautious to avoid sogginess, which can lead to fungal diseases such as damping off. Using a humidity dome can help maintain the right moisture level to get seeds to sprout, but once they do, remove domes to get some air circulation. A gentle misting of seedlings keeps them hydrated as they develop. Once they have their first tru set of leaves, you may need to increase watering, but do so slowly. Ensure your pots have drainage holes to prevent water from pooling at the bottom.


Fertilization Tips


Young seedlings don’t require much in the way of nutrients initially, as the seed itself provides the necessary energy for early growth. However, once seedlings develop their first true leaves, typically a few weeks after germination, you can begin to introduce a diluted liquid fertilizer. A balanced fertilizer at quarter strength every two weeks should suffice to support healthy growth without overwhelming the young plants.

Pepper seedlings.

Transitioning Peppers

As your seedlings grow, they will eventually need to be transplanted into larger pots or directly into your garden. In San Antonio, wait until after the last frost and ensure soil temperatures are consistently above 60°F. Peppers love warm temperatures to really start taking off, and they can actually be stunted if exposed to cold temperatures at a young age. So, don’t rush things! You may even want to grab a soil thermometer to check that your soil has warmed to 55° or above at the depth of at least 2″ below the surface. Transition your plants gradually to outdoor conditions by hardening them off over a week or two, exposing them to increasing amounts of direct sunlight and outdoor temperatures.



Jalapeno peppers

Planting Pepper Transplants in the Garden


You’ll need to plant peppers in a full sun area in your garden. High yields will not be achieved if you attempt to grow peppers in shady areas.


Make sure your garden soil has plenty of organic matter mixed into it (compost, decomposed leaves, etc..) and that it is well-draining; pepper hate “wet feet”. Raised beds are a great way to make sure peppers have adequate drainage.


  • Water the soil before planting your peppers at least 18″-24″ apart.
  • A dose of liquid root stimulator, or diluted water soluble fertilizer in the planting hole offers pepper transplants nutrients until they develop a larger root system.
  • Don’t plant too deep.
  • Water peppers in after planting.
  • Follow up with a side dressing of granular fertilizer after about 3 weeks of growth. Ammonium Sulfate (21-0-0), or another high nitrogen fertilizer is sufficient.
  • Avoid applying mulch through early spring to allow soil to warm (you can mulch in the hot, dry weather of summer).
  • Continue a regular fertilizer program. Once blooms develop, you can switch to a complete fertilizer, or one that has a higher phosphorous (middle) number.
  • Offer adequate water and don’t allow soil to completely dry out (especially when in bloom and fruiting). Feel soil to know when to water. If dry and inch below surface, its time to water.


By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to a bountiful pepper harvest. Not only will you enjoy the fruits of your labor in the form of fresh, homegrown peppers, but you’ll also gain invaluable experience and confidence as a gardener. Check out our display of Peppers of the World seeds at both of our locations, and try starting some pepper seeds; it’s a hot, hot, hobby!

~The Happy Gardener, Lisa Mulroy