The lifecycle of annuals is generally completed in one season. They develop from seed, flower, die, and then need to be planted again each season either by seed or transplant. While they may not last long, there is no easier way to color your world than adding annuals to your garden beds and containers. 


We are blessed living in San Antonio; due to our generally mild climate, many annuals extend through multiple seasons. At Rainbow Gardens, you can find annuals appropriate for each growing season. That means spring, summer, fall and winter you can surround yourself with beautiful blooms and cheerful color! Today I’m offering a few seasonal lists containing favorite annuals that do well in our San Antonio area. Take notice that many annuals that do great in spring could also have a spot in your gardens in fall due to the similarity of temperature and climate during those seasons in our city. Some annuals may bloom continuously or off and on through multiple seasons. 

Annuals Listed By Blooming Season

Planting the following favorite San Antonio annuals during the ranges specified below offers you your best chance at blooming success. (Take note of the differences in list titles such as “spring TO fall” and “spring AND fall”.) Make sure you bookmark this blog so you can reference it often to be able to plan and prepare for a rainbow of colors in your landscape or patio gardens each season. 

Vinca, summer annuals

Summer Periwinkles/Vinca

Summer to Fall Blooming Annuals (These hit the road once the cold arrives)

  • Ageratum 
  • Amaranthus
  • Angelonia (Summer Snapdragon, sometimes comes back the following year)
  • Blue Daze
  • Fan Flower 
  • Gomphrena
  • Mexican Heather (Sometimes comes back the following year)
  • Moss Rose
  • Pentas
  • Periwinkle (Vinca)
  • Purslane
  • Salvia (Annual varieties)
  • Zinnia
Zinnia, seasonal annuals

Multi-season blooming zinnia

Fall Blooming Annuals (These generally bloom till first frost, sometimes longer)

  • Alyssum
  • Dianthus
  • Lobelia
  • Petunia
  • Phlox
  • Zinnia
Violas or Johnny Jump Ups

Violas (Johnny Jump Ups)

Late Fall to Spring Blooming Annuals (Will survive mild winters.)

  • Cyclamen
  • Johnny Jump Ups (Violas)
  • Pansies

Spring blooming delphinium

Spring Blooming Annuals (Plant after danger of frost has passed, unless planting seeds of wildflowers; plant seeds in Oct/Nov.)

  • Bluebonnets
  • Cornflowers
  • Delphinium
  • Foxglove
  • Geranium
  • Hollyhock
  • Iceland Poppy
  • Larkspur
  • Lobelia
  • Nasturtiums
  • Stock 
  • Sweet Peas
  • Sweet William
Wax begonia

Multi-season blooming wax leaf begonia

Spring to Fall Blooming Annuals (Generally off and on blooming through these 3 seasons.)

  • Carnations
  • Celosia
  • Dusty Miller
  • Flowering Tobacco
  • Garden Pinks 
  • Hybrid Zinnia
  • Marigolds
  • New Guinea Impatiens
  • Petunias (Wave and Laura Bush varieties can take the heat more than other hybrids)
  • Verbena
  • Wax Begonia
  • Whopper Begonia

For our guide on planting annuals tap here and don’t forget to check out our annuals & perennials archive for more specific information. 

~The Happy Gardener, Lisa Mulroy